Learning how to draw like an artist is a lot easier than you might think. Any drawing can be broken down into smaller pieces. If you follow the smaller pieces (or steps) one by one, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll learn how to draw everything from animals and plants to buildings, cars, trains, and everything in between!

The first thing will be a completed example of the subject that you are about to draw. Examine the lines and shapes of the subject carefully before proceeding to the first step.
The instructions in each article will always start with larger basic shapes, such as ovals, rectangles, and triangles, depending on the subject. Draw the full shape, even if some of it will not be seen in the final drawing.
After all the steps are complete, use a felt-tip pen to go over the pencil lines. Ink only the lines you want to keep in the drawing. Let the ink dry, and then erase the extra pencil lines.
Use the first illustration in each article as your guide. Feel free to use crayons, colored pencils or markers. If you’re feeling especially creative, you can even try watercolors or chalk.
Start by adding the main color, gently adding darker colors to areas that would be in shadows or less light (generally toward the bottom or underneath the shapes). This is called shading.
After shading is complete, add lighter colors where more light would be (usually on the top areas of the shapes, where sunlight would naturally hit them). This is called highlighting. Shading and highlighting help the drawing look more realistic.
Once you fill in all the colors and are pleased with your drawing, you’re finished. Way to go!
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